Cell Phone and Electronic Device Guidelines
Full Guidelines
The Board of Education may establish appropriate rules and disciplinary procedures governing the use or possession of cellular radio telecommunication devices (“cell phones”) by a student while in a school or on school property, during regular school hours, or at any other time. The Board recognizes the role these devices play in the lives of students and the variety of uses that can be both healthy and beneficial; however, these devices have proven to be disruptive during instructional time. Consistent with best practices and research conducted surrounding the impact of cell phones on student learning and behavior, the Board has determined that limited use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices, particularly during instructional time, provides students with the greatest opportunity for social, emotional, and academic success.
The District does not assume responsibility for any lost, damaged, or stolen personal property brought to the school or to a school activity. While the District strongly discourages students from bringing cell phones and other electronic devices onto school premises, should a student choose to do so, the student must follow the guidelines outlined below.
By clicking on the Code of Conduct Acceptance Form in their Chromebook, students in grades 6-12 will not only be acknowledging they received their Student Code of Conduct bookmarked in their U4SD.org folder, which should appear when they sign in to their Chromebook, but also that they agree to hold harmless from all liability stemming from any loss, damage, or theft of personal property including cell phones and other electronic devices.
Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Personal Electronic Devices
The following outlines expectations of students, the procedures teachers and administrators will follow in response to student violations of the cell phone/electronic devices guidelines, and the consequences that will result when students violate the stated expectations.
Elementary Schools
Elementary Guidelines
Electronic devices (phones, electronic smart watches, earbuds, headphones or listening devices, or other personal electronic devices) may be brought to school, but must be OFF and left in the student’s backpack during the entire school day. This includes recess, lunch, or field trips unless approved by the teacher or administrator.
OFF means “powered off” and not in “vibrate” or “silent” mode. Forgetting to turn off the cell phone is not an excuse.
1st Offense:
Discipline referral, parent contact, and confiscation of phone for the remainder of the day.
Discipline referral, parent contact, confiscation of phone for the remainder of the day through daily check-in with administration, and parent retrieval of phone.
Consequences may exceed those stated in these guidelines if the student’s behavior escalates and results in other Student Code of Conduct violations such as, but not limited to, disobedience, disruptive behavior, or verbal abuse.
Middle Schools
Middle School Guidelines
Electronic devices (phones, electronic smart watches, earbuds, headphones or listening devices, or other personal electronic devices) may be used in the cafeteria during lunch.
At the start of class, teachers will remind students to put phones/electronic devices in pockets or backpacks. Phones must be powered off or silenced during instructional time unless, during appropriate independent work time, the supervising teacher allows students to use cell phones/other electronic devices. If this becomes a distraction, students will be asked to put their phones/electronic devices away.
Schools will follow existing procedures for processing discipline referrals.
Teachers are not responsible for confiscating cell phones.
School administrators or their designees are the only staff responsible for confiscating cell phones.
Locked cases will be provided for school administrators to store confiscated phones.
1st Offense:
Discipline referral, parent contact, and confiscation of phone for the remainder of the day.
Discipline referral, parent contact, confiscation of phone for the remainder of the day through daily check-in with administration, and parent retrieval of phone.
Consequences may exceed those stated in these guidelines if the student’s behavior escalates and results in other Student Code of Conduct violations such as, but not limited to, disobedience, disruptive behavior, or verbal abuse.
High Schools
High School Guidelines
Electronic devices (phones, electronic smart watches, earbuds, headphones or listening devices, or other personal electronic devices) may be used in the hallways during passing times and in the cafeteria during lunch.
At the start of class, teachers will remind students to put phones/electronic devices in pockets or backpacks. Phones must be powered off or silenced during instructional time unless, during appropriate independent work time, the supervising teacher allows students to use cell phones/other electronic devices. If this becomes a distraction, students will be asked to put their phones/electronic devices away.
Schools will follow existing procedures for processing discipline referrals.
Teachers are not responsible for confiscating cell phones.
School administrators or their designees are the only staff responsible for confiscating cell phones.
Locked cases will be provided for school administrators to store confiscated phones.
1st Offense:
Discipline referral, parent contact, and confiscation of phone for the remainder of the day.
Discipline referral, parent contact, confiscation of phone for the remainder of the day through daily check-in with administration, and parent retrieval of phone.
Consequences may exceed those stated in these guidelines if the student’s behavior escalates and results in other Student Code of Conduct violations such as, but not limited to, disobedience, disruptive behavior, or verbal abuse.