Community Flyers

Approved Flyers for Distribution

Please note that flyers are ordered by approval date, not event date.

2025 Flyers

2024 Flyers

Criteria for Flyer Approval

  • The activity or event must have an educational or recreational value for school-aged children/families.

  • No commercial information shall be posted or distributed unless their purpose is to further a school activity, such as graduation, class pictures, or class rings.

  • Requesting organizations must be municipal agencies or documented 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organizations. Any non-profit entity requesting to distribute flyers to Champaign Unit 4 students must provide the District with a current 501 (c)(3) Internal Revenue Service letter

  • Organizations must be based within or near the Champaign Unit 4 School District boundaries.

  • Flyers or posters should not contain advertising logos or promotions for any business/organization other than the approved non-profit agency submitting the flyer.

  • Only pre-approved distributing agencies may include business/organization logos in their materials to indicate partnerships or promote school-sanctioned fundraisers.

  • Flyers may not contain verbiage for alcohol, tobacco, or similar products.

  • No information from political organizations or candidates running for elective office shall be posted in the school or distributed to students. Only candidates for Unit 4 student-elected offices are authorized to distribute materials.

  • Printed materials may not promote specific religious beliefs or non-beliefs.

  • Flyers for fundraisers will be approved only if the fundraiser directly benefits school-aged children.

Flyer Approval Process

To be considered for distribution, please complete the Flyer Request Form online. Please note, requests may take some time to be reviewed, so we encourage you to submit requests at least 2-3 weeks in advance. If you are unable to fill out the form above, you may find the printable form here, and email it to

If your flyer is approved, you will receive an approval letter signed by the district's Chief Communications Officer by email.

Flyer Distribution Process

At Champaign Unit 4 Schools, we value our community partners, and appreciate the opportunities they bring for our students. Flyers are approved through the Communications Department, and are to be prepared by the individual of the agency or organization in the manner listed below. Please note that documented non-profit 501(c)(3) status is required for organizations wishing to distribute information. Review Board Policies 850 and 850/R - Public Solicitation In The Schools if you have questions about whether or not a flyer will be considered for approval.

  1. Web Posting

    1. Once the request is approved, a PDF copy of the flyer will be posted by the Communications Department on the District Website. Please note; flyers are normally shared through the school’s newsletters, but School Principals decide if they also want to share any flyers on their social media pages.

  2. Paper Copies – Elementary Schools

    1. Individual flyers may be sent home with each elementary student. Flyers must be bundled in packages of 25 with enough bundles to cover the total student enrollment at each elementary building. Each bundle must be clipped or rubber-banded securely. The current number of students per building are located on the following page.

    2. The proper number of bundles for each building should be packaged together, and clearly labeled with the individual school’s name on top of the package. Rubber bands or twine are not sufficient for this purpose.

    3. In lieu of flyers, up to five (5) posters may be provided for posting in an elementary building.

    4. An approval letter signed by the district's Chief Communications Officer must accompany each package. Building-level staff will not distribute flyers without the approval letter.

    5. Please note that no materials will be distributed within the last two (2) weeks of the school year.

  3. Paper Copies – Secondary Schools

    1. Individual flyers will not be sent home with students at the middle and high school levels.

    2. In lieu of flyers, up to five (5) posters may be provided for posting in a secondary building.

    3. An approval letter signed by the district's Chief Communications Officer must accompany each package. Building-level staff will not distribute flyers without the approval letter.

    4. Please note that no materials will be distributed within the last two (2) weeks of the school year.

  4. Distribution

    1. Prepared flyers ready for distribution may be delivered directly to the school(s). Approval for distribution is granted by the Chief Communications Officer, and is verified by the signature in the approval letter. This must be provided to school personnel at the time of delivery.

    2. Prepared flyers may also be delivered to the Unit #4 Service Center for distribution. Organizations with small deliveries may expect deliveries within three business days. Larger deliveries to more than one or two schools may take up to two weeks. Please plan accordingly. Approval for distribution is granted by the CCO’s signature, and should be shown to personnel at the Service Center at the time of delivery. The Unit 4 Service Center is located at 1400 Hagen Dr., Champaign. The Service Center is closed from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.

For any questions regarding approval criteria, approval process, or distribution, please reach out to the communications department at