District Dashboards
* For any student grouping whose overall population is 10 or fewer students, the data has been filtered out due to privacy concerns.
** Users should note that some data may have been affected by Covid-19.
Illinois Interactive Report Card
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District Interactive Dashboard
(Hover over the logo and click)
In response to the Unit 4 Strategic Plan, goals and measures of data collection will be shared via the Unit 4 School District Interactive Dashboard. This data will be static data that is loaded 3 times a year (Fall, Winter, Spring). We will start with 2021-2022 data as our baseline data. All future updates will remain on the dashboard for 3 years.
Strategic Plan Outcome
Increased % of students achieving proficiency in reading & math
Reduced achievement gaps in reading and math assessments
Increased percentage of students graduating in 4 years meeting PSAT/SAT college readiness benchmarks
Reduced chronic absenteeism rates by student subgroups
Instructional Excellence
Student performance on interim assessments at school and District levels
Accelerated growth of students of color, SWD, multilingual on interim assessments
Educational Access
Number students chronically absent by school and student demographics
Enrollment rates in gifted, accelerated, and/or honors courses and programs by school and student demographics as applicable
In response to the Strategic Outcomes, the Unit 4 Public Dashboard provides reports under these headings:
Enrollment -this data will be updated two times a year (Oct, June)
Attendance- this data will be updated three times a year (Oct, Feb,
Advanced Placement Enrollment- this data will be updated two times a year (Oct, June)
NWEA MAP Scores- this data will be updated three times a year (Oct, Feb, June)
IAR Scores - this data will be updated each October to reflect the previous spring test scores
SAT Scores - this data will be updated each October to reflect the previous spring test scores
Graduation Rate- this data will be updated each October to reflect the previous year's graduation rate
Data within each section can be filtered by these categories:
Race and Ethnicity
Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL)- also known as Low-income
Special Education and 504
Limited English Proficiency (LEP)- also known as Multilingual Learner