Finance Department


Champaign CUSD #4 continues to budget in a manner to position itself well for the sporadic state funding that Illinois public schools have experienced the past few years. Our District's financial stewardship has resulted in the State of Illinois awarding us the highest financial profile score of "Recognition" for fiscal years 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011. Our District continues to search for and to implement best practices in public school operations to eliminate waste and to improve our efficiency in delivering high quality learning for all children.

The following financial related reports should aid taxpayers in monitoring the financial stewardship of the district.

Current Finance Documents

  • Financial Profile - State prepared financial profile.

  • FY24 Annual Statement of Affairs - This document includes information about: capital assets, number of pupils enrolled per grade, number of certificated employees, number of non-certificated employees, tax rates by fund, and staff salary ranges, as well as all contracts over $500.

  • FY22 Contracts Over $25,000 - This document shows new contracts over $25,000 for FY22.

  • FY25 State Budget Form - Presents the budget in the state formatted version.

  • FY23 Audit Report - The district's annual financial results of operations are presented in these reports. These financial results are audited by an independent CPA firm. For the eighth straight year, the district received a "clean" opinion. This means the district's financial statements are prepared in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

  • Amended FY24 ISBE Budget June 6 2024