Building Administrator Special Education and 504 Contacts
Notice of Procedural Safeguards for Parents/Guardians of Students with Disabilities
Aviso de Garantías de Procedimiento Para Los Padres o Tutores de Estudiantes Con Discapacidades
Section 504 Rights and Procedures
Special Education Itinerant Staff
Special Education
The mission of the Special Education Department is to meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities by providing individualized instruction and services that will result in measurable and meaningful student growth.
Core Beliefs
We believe in the right of all students and families to be valued and treated with dignity.
We believe in equitable access to educational opportunities for students with disabilities.
We believe in an inclusive philosophy of collaboration among all stakeholders that will guide decision making toward meeting student needs.
We believe that students should be challenged to reach their full potential and eventual independence.
Disability Areas for Special Education in Illinois
Intellectual Disability
Multiple Disability
Emotional Disability
Specific Learning Disability
Hearing Impairment including Deafness
Vision Impairment including Blindness
Speech-Language Impairment
Traumatic Brain Injury
Other Health Impairment
Orthopedic Impairment
Developmental Delay
*For a complete description and eligibility criteria of all the disability areas you may contact your building, this office, or view the Eligibility Criteria link on the Special Education website.
The Champaign Unit #4 School District offers a comprehensive special education program for eligible children between the ages of 3 and 21. Unit #4 provides special education services in the least restrictive environment in order for children to meet their academic, functional, and transition goals. Unit #4 Special Education Department provides instruction and related services to over 1300 students with disabilities so that they can derive educational benefit from the curriculum and make progress toward meeting IEP and curricular goals and Common Core State Standards. Unit #4 is committed to working with children and families in providing quality programs for all students.