A Message from Superintendent Boozer

Dr. Shelia Boozer

Greetings Unit 4 Families and Staff,

As Winter Break approaches, I want to take a moment to express how incredibly proud I am of our students and staff for the remarkable progress made during the first half of the school year. When I visit our schools and classrooms, I leave with a heart full of joy, inspired by the innovative teaching, the spark in our students' eyes when they experience those "aha" moments, and the immense pride shared by both our staff and students. I am truly grateful for the many positive and impactful experiences happening across our District every day.

You don’t have to look far to find celebratory news in Unit 4. Recently, the Franklin STEAM Academy Robotics Team competed in the Regional Tournament at the University of Illinois, advancing to the Sectional Finals! Please join me in congratulating Central H.S. Principal Joe Williams who won the Outstanding Administrator Award from the Illinois Music Education Association (ILMEA). In addition, ILMEA named nine of our high school students as All-State Musicians! Kudos to these talented student-musicians. Central H.S. Student Babette Bradley was just named the News-Gazette’s 2024 Girls’ Swimmer of the Year! This is the third time in a row that she received this honor. The News-Gazette also named Kenwood Teacher Ryley Edmonson as a Teacher of the Week. For more details and additional good news, visit the District’s website and social media pages. 

I also want to share three important pieces of information that will affect all of our families. 

  1. As we continue our efforts to provide a safe and secure environment for staff and students we will launch the Raptor Visitor Management System at the start of the second semester. Please click here to view a letter from Orlando Thomas, Executive Director of School Support and Student Assignment. 

  2. Our District will soon be transitioning to a new student information system which will replace our Home Access Center (HAC). Back in June, the Unit 4 Board of Education approved the transition to Synergy as our new student information system. The District’s Educational Technology Department has been working diligently on this transition to ensure a smooth implementation. Synergy will be available to staff, parents, and students starting in July 2025. We will continue to provide you with updates as we get closer to the launch date.

  3. I want to note that the registration process for the 2025-2026 school year will begin February 3, 2025. With the move to Synergy (our new student information system), families will need to have their registration finalized by May 30, 2025, to accommodate the transition to the new system. More information about registration will be shared following Winter Break.

We understand that the holiday season can trigger sadness or other feelings that you or your student may need help in navigating. If so, please know that there are resources available to help. Unit 4 Schools partners with Care Solace, a trusted mental health navigator, to match students and their families with mental health and substance abuse providers. 

Winter Break is scheduled for December 23, 2024 through January 3, 2025. School buildings will be closed during this time (except for athletic events). Institute Days are January 6 & 7, 2025 (no school for students). 

It is my hope that every Unit 4 student, family, and staff member will experience joyful, peaceful and happy moments during Winter Break. 


Dr. Shelia E. Boozer


Dr. Boozer's Board Presentation Videos

It's a Great Day in U4 with Dr. Shelia Boozer

Additional Videos