Nailah Mansury

Centennial High School Senior, Nailah Mansury, will receive the prestigious Congressional Award Gold Medal. The United States Congress established the Congressional Award in 1979 to recognize initiative, service, and achievement in young people. This is the highest honor for youth and Nailah is the first recipient of this honor in Champaign.

Over the past four years while attending Centennial, Nailah has shown exceptional dedication and perseverance in meeting the rigorous requirements of the Congressional Award program. This award is a private-public partnership that receives all private-sector funding. The program is open to all U.S. youth between the ages of 14 and 24 regardless of ability, circumstance, or socioeconomic status. Participants earn Bronze, Silver, and Gold Certificates and Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medals. Each level involves setting goals in four program areas emphasizing personal development, community service, and physical fitness.

Nailah will receive her Gold Medal this summer during a special ceremony in Washington D.C. 

Congratulations, Nailah!