Vision 2030

The Unit 4 Board of Education voted to adopt a resolution in support of Vision 2030, a blueprint to enhance public education to serve students in an evolving world better.

Vision 2030 is a comprehensive effort developed by members of eight statewide education associations to create a framework of legislative goals and policy changes that would improve Illinois’ public education system.

The resolution of support specifically endorses Vision 2030's emphasis on four key priorities:

  • Keeping students safe

  • Keeping high-quality educators in front of students

  • Enhancing post-secondary success

  • Improving measurements of what is working well in schools

The eight statewide partner associations include: Illinois Association of School Administrators, Illinois Association of School Boards, Illinois Principals Association, Illinois Association of School Business Officials, Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools, Superintendents’ Commission for the Study of Demographics, Illinois Alliance of Administrators of Special Education and Illinois Association of Rural and Small Schools.

Unit 4 joins numerous other school systems across the state in supporting the Vision 2030 legislative initiative.