Student Registration for 2025-2026 is now open! Get ready for an exciting year ahead! Visit for details and to complete your registration today! #Ready4Registration
about 1 month ago, Unit 4 Schools
Student Registration for 2025-2026 is now open! visit for more information
¡La inscripción de estudiantes para 2025-2026 ya está abierta! Visite para obtener más información
Les inscriptions étudiantes pour 2025-2026 sont désormais ouvertes ! visitez pour plus d'informations
During Parent-Teacher conference days, each school will offer on-site registration assistance: March 13th in the afternoon and March 14th in the morning. For more details about specific times, please contact your child's school. #Ready4Registration
about 5 hours ago, Unit 4 Schools
on-site Registration During Parent Teacher conference days, each school will offer on-site registration assistance For more details about specific times, contact your child's school. March 13th afternoon March 14th morning
Registro en el sitio Durante los días de conferencias de padres y maestros, cada escuela ofrecerá asistencia para la inscripción en el lugar. Para obtener más detalles sobre horarios específicos, comuníquese con la escuela de su hijo. 13 de marzo por la tarde 14 de marzo por la mañana
Inscription sur place Lors des journées de rencontres parents-enseignants, chaque école proposera une assistance à l'inscription sur place Pour plus de détails sur les horaires spécifiques, contactez l'école de votre enfant. 13 mars après-midi 14 mars matin
Incoming Kindergarten Families, last chance to visit any of our 12 elementary schools. Tuesday, March 4, 5-7 pm: Westview, Dr. Howard, South Side, Booker T. Washington, Stratton, Garden Hills Thursday, March 6, 5-7 pm Barkstall, Carrie Busey, Bottenfield, International Prep Academy, Kenwood, Robeson
2 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
Elementary School Tours
Elemental Visitas Escolares
Élémentaire Visites Scolaires
The Science Olympiad team of International Prep Academy has advanced to the state level for the second time in just three years! They placed in 17 of the 20 events entered, securing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place, and achieving a remarkable 3rd place overall finish—bringing yet another trophy back to IPA! What an incredible feat! A heartfelt shout out to Coach Geoffrey Freymuth!
2 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
IPA Science Olympiad team
Unit 4 Schools celebrates Women's History Month! We applaud the incredible women who have shaped history, education, and our community.
4 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
Women's History Month
Join us in recognizing Public Schools Week, Feb. 24 - Feb. 28, 2025! Let’s celebrate the educators, students, and communities that make public schools the heart of our nation. Public schools help students achieve their dreams! Whether it’s excelling in the classroom, on the field, or in the arts, every success is worth celebrating. #PSW25
9 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
Celebrating our students, educators and communities! PUBLIC SCHOOLS WEEK February 24-28, 2025
Celebrando a nuestros estudiantes, educadores y comunidades! SEMANA DE LAS ESCUELAS PÚBLICAS 24-28 de febrero de 2025
Célébrons nos étudiants, nos éducateurs et nos communautés SEMAINE DES ÉCOLES PUBLIQUES 24-28 février 2025
Fourteen outstanding Unit 4 staff members have been recognized as Super Care Heroes by Care Solace! The Super Care Hero Award celebrates mental health advocates, school counselors, and school mental health staff who go above and beyond to connect students to the care they need. This recognition highlights their dedication to changing lives, supporting student well-being, and creating a positive impact in our community. Please join us in congratulating these amazing individuals on this well-deserved honor. Their hard work and compassion make a difference every single day! Thank you for helping us celebrate our Super Care Heroes!
12 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
Fourteen outstanding Unit 4 staff members have been recognized as Super Care Heroes by Care Solace! The Super Care Hero Award celebrates mental health advocates, school counselors, and school mental health staff who go above and beyond to connect students to the care they need.  This recognition highlights their dedication to changing lives, supporting student well-being, and creating a positive impact in our community.  Please join us in congratulating these amazing individuals on this well-deserved honor. Their hard work and compassion make a difference every single day!  Thank you for helping us celebrate our Super Care Heroes!
Unit 4’s Special Education Department hosted a recruitment luncheon for our current student teachers. GotSophia has decided to start her career with Unit 4!
15 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
Unit 4’s Special Education Department hosted a recruitment luncheon for our current student teachers. GotSophia has decided to start her career with Unit 4!
Unit 4’s Special Education Department hosted a recruitment luncheon for our current student teachers. GotSophia has decided to start her career with Unit 4!
Unit 4’s Special Education Department hosted a recruitment luncheon for our current student teachers. GotSophia has decided to start her career with Unit 4!
Today we celebrated Booker T. Washington STEM Academy and their staff's culture of giving! During Unit 4's United Way of Champaign County annual giving campaign, Booker T. Washington organized their building and recruited the most individual donors to the United Way!
15 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
Today we celebrated Booker T. Washington STEM Academy and their staff's culture of giving! During Unit 4's United Way of Champaign County annual giving campaign, Booker T. Washington organized their building and recruited the most individual donors to the United Way!
Today we celebrated Booker T. Washington STEM Academy and their staff's culture of giving! During Unit 4's United Way of Champaign County annual giving campaign, Booker T. Washington organized their building and recruited the most individual donors to the United Way!
Today we celebrated Booker T. Washington STEM Academy and their staff's culture of giving! During Unit 4's United Way of Champaign County annual giving campaign, Booker T. Washington organized their building and recruited the most individual donors to the United Way!
Today we celebrated Booker T. Washington STEM Academy and their staff's culture of giving! During Unit 4's United Way of Champaign County annual giving campaign, Booker T. Washington organized their building and recruited the most individual donors to the United Way!
And that's a wrap! Our CTE Career Fair was a resounding success. Again, thank you to the Champaign County Chamber of Commerce and our community partners for making this career fair so impactful. Hundreds of Unit 4 students were connected with employers from dozens of industries.
20 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
In observance of Presidents' Day, all Unit 4 school and administrative buildings will be closed on Monday, February 17.
20 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
In observance of Presidents' Day Monday, February 17, 2025 All Unit 4 school and administrative buildings will be closed
En conmemoración del Día de los Presidentes Lunes 17 de febrero de 2025 Todos los edificios escolares y administrativos de la Unidad 4 estarán cerrados.
À l'occasion de la Journée des Présidents Lundi 17 février 2025 Tous les bâtiments scolaires et administratifs de l'Unité 4 seront fermés
See you all at Centennial today!
20 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
Thank you to all the students, volunteers and community partners for a successful Day 1 of our Career Technology Education Career Fair! Day 2 is tomorrow at Centennial from 10:51 am - 1:32 pm.
21 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
The College and Career Readiness Team and the Champaign County Chamber of Commerce are hosting CTE Career Fairs at Central and Centennial high schools during lunch hours on Wednesday and Thursday, featuring over 50 community partners. Please encourage your students to attend!
22 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
Career Fair
Career Fair
Career Fair
Incoming Kindergarten families have one more opportunity to attend a Kindergarten Information Night tonight at Carrie Busey Elementary, starting at 5:30 PM.
22 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
TODAY, Feb. 11th 5:30-6:30 p.m. Carrie Busey Elementary JOIN US! kindergarten information night This is the last of three Kindergarten Information Nights available to incoming Unit 4 Kindergarten Families. You will have an opportunity to learn about the Student Assignment Process.
HOY, 11 de febrero 5:30-6:30 p.m. Escuela primaria Carrie Busey ¡ÚNETE A NOSOTROS! Noche de información sobre el jardín de infantes Esta es la última de las tres Noches de información sobre el jardín de infantes disponibles para las familias que ingresan al jardín de infantes de la Unidad 4. Tendrá la oportunidad de aprender sobre el proceso de asignación de estudiantes.
AUJOURD'HUI, 11 février 17h30-18h30 École élémentaire Carrie Busey REJOIGNEZ-NOUS ! Soirée d'information pour la maternelle Il s'agit de la dernière des trois soirées d'information sur la maternelle proposées aux familles entrantes de la maternelle de l'unité 4. Vous aurez l'occasion d'en apprendre davantage sur le processus d'affectation des élèves.
Franklin STEAM Academy celebrated NAAPID with a light breakfast, followed by a Panel Discussion led by Mental Health Clinicians of Color.
22 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
conversations that matter
conversations that matter
breakfast panel
conversations that matter
It's NAAPID NIGHT at Centennial. They are hosting families tonight for a family presentation and a meal catered by Jabari Freeman Sr.
23 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
Centennial 1
Jefferson Middle School is celebrating NAAPID with a community resource fair. Parents are invited to eat lunch and shadow their student, while filling out a bingo card for a prize at the end of the day!
23 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
Jefferson 4
Jefferson 3
Jefferson 2
Jefferson 1
Edison Middle School celebrated NAAPID today with breakfast, followed by an awards ceremony to recognize achievements in integrity, leadership, creativity, and more!
23 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
enjoying breakfast
enjoying breakfast
dance team
awards ceremony
At Central High School, the African American Club hosted an event for families that included the Black National Anthem along with a presentation on the history of the African American Club at Central.
23 days ago, Unit 4 Schools
central 4
central 4
central 2
central 1