Mrs. Donovan Teacher of the Year

August 25th, 2023

Dear Kenwood Families,

Happy Friday! I hope this finds your family staying safe with the extreme heat this past week. Yesterday’s heat proved to be very challenging for many of our buildings in the district and I hope you were able to keep cool at home. I am hopeful we’ll see a reprieve in the coming week to be able to get outside with our students. We are most concerned about the safety of our bus riders this past week. I know in talking with several of you this past week that bus transportation and the Ride 360 APP has presented some challenges. Our transportation is continuing to work through these challenges. 

This past week, Mrs. Donovan was celebrated at the Champaign Urbana Schools Foundation Club 365 breakfast as the 2023 Mann Hankel teacher of the year for Champaign. Mrs. Donovan, one of our 1st grade teachers, shared her enthusiasm and appreciation. She did an excellent job representing Kenwood. 

Mrs. Donovan, 2023 Mann Hankel Teacher of the Year addresses the audience at the CU Schools Foundation Breakfast.

MAP Testing (1st through 5th grade)

This week, our students will be completing the MAP test which is a nationally normed test in the areas of Reading and Mathematics. This test is given in the Fall, Winter and Spring and our teachers use the results of this information to look at the current academic performance of our students. Teachers will use this information in their instructional planning to best meet the needs of our students. You can look forward to learning more about your child’s MAP scores and information at parent teacher conferences in September. I’ve included a parent guide to MAP for your information. 

Kenwood students show what they know.

Have a great weekend!

Picture Day - September 1st


Dr. Trevor Nadrozny
