Kenwood Choir

December 1st, 2023

Dear Kenwood Families,

Happy Friday!  Yesterday, our Kenwood Choir provided a captivating performance for our students, staff and parents. Mrs. Kuchenbrod has been rehearsing every Wednesday with our students this fall and their performance was amazing. Thank you to Mrs. Kuchenbrod for her hard work and dedication to our students. Just a reminder that we have an early dismissal on Monday, Dec. 4th at 12:50pm. 

MAP Testing (Kindergarten through 5th grade)

Next week, our students will be completing the MAP test which is a nationally normed test in the areas of Reading and Mathematics. This test is given in the Fall, Winter and Spring and our teachers use the results of this information to look at the current academic performance of our students. Teachers will use this information in their instructional planning to best meet the needs of our students. I’ve included a parent guide to MAP for your information. 

Have a great weekend!


Dr. Trevor Nadrozny
