March 28th, 2024
Dear Kenwood Families,
Happy Thursday! This week our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students completed their State testing in English Language Arts and Math and we appreciated their hard work on these tests that provide information about our students' understanding in these areas and their growth. Next week, our 5th grade students will be completing the Illinois Science Assessment to round out the state testing for this year. We look to receive these results from the State in the fall and individual student profiles will also be shared with parents at this time.
March 29th, Spring Holiday no school for students
April 1st, Early Dismissal at 12:50pm
We have our early dismissal on Monday, April 1st as our teachers will be participating in professional development.
Solar Eclipse, April 8th
On Monday April 8th, a Total Solar Eclipse will move across a large portion of the United States to include the Champaign-Urbana area. During a total solar eclipse, the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, the result is a moving region of shadow on Earth’s surface. In some places across the country the Moon will completely cover the Sun, this is referred to as totality. On April 8th we will experience 97% totality of coverage in Champaign at 2:05 pm. Our best viewing will be between 1:50 pm and 2:15pm. Here is the path of the shadow.
In order to observe the solar eclipse, it is necessary to have the appropriate viewers. The Unit 4 Teaching and Learning department purchased solar viewers that are compliant with international standards for safe viewing. All students and adults in our buildings, K-12, will use these viewers to safely view the solar eclipse. We look forward to sharing more information about the activities related to the viewing of the eclipse at Kenwood next week.
Kindergarten and Returning Student Registration (Feb. 27th through May 30th)
Kindergarten students registration at the Family and Community Engagement, 703 S. New Street call 217-373-7311 to schedule an appointment.
Happy Easter for all who celebrate this holiday.
Dr. Trevor Nadrozny