Greetings Families! A few reminders:
-If your student is taking advantage of breakfast in the morning, they must arrive by 7:30 in order to be on time for class. Bus riders that arrive late are the only excused tardies for breakfast.
-We also need Every Student, Every Day to be present, unless an illness is impacting their health. Students who are absent 10% of school days (or 17 days) for any reason (even excused) are considered chronically absent by the state.
-As the weather changes, please remember that we have outdoor recess as long as the “feels like” temperature is 20F or above. If you need help with winter weather gear, please reach out to Social Worker Emma Klopfleisch at
-Are you looking for a high-energy employment opportunity at your child’s school? Check out this Unit 4 opportunity Hiring Flyer
Please note November important dates:
EARLY OUT 12:05p - Monday, November 7
NO SCHOOL, Tuesday, November 8 - Election Day
NO SCHOOL, Friday, November 11 - Veterans Day
NO SCHOOL, Wed-Fri, Nov. 23-25 - Thanksgiving
A BIG THANKS to all that were able to stop by the Book Fair AND online shoppers!
THANK YOU to the volunteers that make it possible to run the book fair!
If your child wasn’t able to make the Book Fair (or already finished every new book), there’s still time to shop! Our Book Fair will continue online through OCTOBER 31! Your online purchases benefit our school. Click HERE to shop our Fair.
The PUMPKIN Parade is coming, October 28, 5:30-7pm at Robeson!
Chipotle Family Meal Out -Tuesday, November 8, 4-8pm - See FLYER
Order online for pick-up using code 9GTR86L
Other events/flyers:
YMCA Youth Basketball Fall 2022
Parkland College Mini Workshop: Computer Basics (English)
Parkland College Mini Workshop: Computer Basics (Spanish)
Parkland College Mini Workshop: Computer Basics (French)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the Robeson Main Office 217-351-3884 or You can find previous bulletins here: