Welcome new families, incoming Kindergarteners, and happy summer to all!

Families of returning (1st through 5th grade) students should have received an email with a link to register your child for the 2022-23 school year and we are sending email reminders weekly. If you have not received it, please contact us at 217-351-3884 or u4ROcontact@u4sd.org. You must register your child online as soon as possible, it is the only system for registration.


Back to School Information & Calendars

The first week in August a mailed letter will be sent home to families with your student’s teacher, information for Back-to-School, and drop-off/pick-up procedures. Kindergarten families will receive a separate email with information specific to kindergarten students.  Please watch the US mail in August. 


We will host a Back-to-School Night on August 16 from 5:30-6:30p. Please bring school supplies and meet your teacher!


Here are some helpful links and information:

School times:

-Students may enter the building at 7:25a, breakfast is served at this time.

-7:40am First bell, Students arriving before 7:40 will go to their classroom or breakfast.

-7:50am Tardy bell, Instruction begins

-2:05pm Dismissal


Robeson Website

School Calendar Summary (with early-out days)

Weekly Bulletins

22-23 School Supply List

Robeson Contact Email u4ROcontact@u4sd.org


There are still some PTA-hosted events this summer. 

Wednesday, July 13, 12:30-3:30p Meet at Sholem Pool (regular fees apply)

Tuesday, July 19 (All Day) - Family Meals Out at TCBY, purchase a dessert and a portion of the proceeds supports Robeson PTA!

Thursday, August 11 6-7p Back-to-School Playdate at the Robeson Playground