Dear Robeson Kindergarten Families,

We are so excited that you will be joining us in the fall! We know that starting kindergarten is an exciting time. One way we help families prepare for the year is through family conferences. Please see the link below to share a time that works for your family on August 18. 

Other helpful resources like the school supply list, school news, and the Parent-Student Handbook (currently being updated for 22-23) can be found on our website at You should also be receiving a school bulletin via email, it is monthly in the summer and weekly during the school year. This bulletin can also be found at You will be receiving a lot of information the first week in August, but here is some to get you started.


First week of school information:

-Tuesday, August 16 – Meet your Teacher/Welcome Back Night at Robeson 5:30-6:30p, please bring school supplies if possible.

-Thursday, August 18 – No school for kindergarten students, this day is reserved for family conferences

-Friday, August 19 – ½ of each class attends; you will be notified the first week in August if this is your day

-Monday, August 22 – ½ of each class attends; you will be notified the first week in August if this is your day

In order to assign conference times, please go to the following form and share your preference. The link will close on July 29. We will confirm conference times, share teacher assignments, and first day of attendance via mail (USPS) the first week of August.

Kindergarten Conference Times Preference Link

Reminder: All Kindergarten students must submit a physical and immunization record.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the Robeson Main Office 217-351-3884 or